Turntables, Swivel units, Finishing and processing centers, Machines and plants, Conveyor systems
Controlled emergency stop: ACE safety shock absorbers protect precision components in the aircraft industry
The basic mount of this coordinate measuring machine for the production of parts in the aircraft industry is made of granite and must not be damaged. To avoid damage from operating errors or mishandling, all movement axes were equipped with safety shock absorbers of ACE's productfamily SCS33 to SCS64. If the turntables malfunction the safety shock absorbers decelerate the loads before expensive damage can occur to the granite measuring tables.
Securing linear drive units mechanicallyGSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, operates a unique accelerator for heavy ions. Currently, the international...
Industrial Gas Springs – Pull Type - GZ-15 to GZ-40
Braking systems for gripper carriagesIn this design, driven by rodless pneumatic cylinders, two gripper carriages move independently of each other at speeds of 6.56 to 8.20 ft/sec....